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"Not everything that is faced can be changed;
but nothing can be changed until it
is faced." 

~ James Baldwin ~


The selected Health Tip is summarized below.  An audio clip of the tip as presented by Dr. Leah on the Chat With Women radio show is available at the end of the tip.

Dental Health - healthy teeth and good dental hygiene helps keep your body healthy

"If you ignore your teeth they will just go away!  It's true!! 

How well do you take care of your teeth? Did you know that the human mouth has more germs than a dogs mouth?  It is true and you need to keep this in mind when you brush and floss your teeth.

If you have an infection or open sore or cut in your mouth, it's a great way to introduce bacteria to your whole body. These bacteria can spread to your heart and cause an infection in your heart.

This is why dentists want some people who have heart conditions to take antibiotics when they have dental work.  By keeping your gums healthy with flossing and brushing daily you will keep your heart and body healthy.

We need this more than ever with a possible busy flu season ahead of us this fall. Something as simple and brushing and flossing can keep your immune system and body healthy.  Seems so simple but yet so hard to do for some people." 


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