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"Life is not merely to be alive;
but to be well." 

~ Marcus Martial ~


The selected Health Tip is summarized below.  An audio clip of the tip as presented by Dr. Leah on the Chat With Women radio show is available at the end of the tip.

Selenium - recommended dosage and benefits of selenium 

"Do you get enough Selenium?

Selenium is a mineral and is found in most Multi-vitamins.  However, it is not always in a high enough dose to have major benefits.

A good dose to take daily is 200mcg (micrograms) each day. 

Selenium is helpful for proper thyroid function.  It also helps make glutathione in the liver which is a very important and powerful anti-oxidant.  Selenium is also good for the immune system and decreases risk of developing diabetes.

Brazil nuts are a good natural source of selenium.  About 5 Brazil nuts a day will give you a good daily dose." 


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