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"Life is not merely to be alive;
but to be well." 

~ Marcus Martial ~



The selected Health Tip is summarized below.  An audio clip of the tip as presented
 by Dr. Leah on the Chat With Women radio show is available at the end of the tip.

Allergies  -- a great herb to help decrease histamine release in body

Are you being bothered by your allergies?  Tree pollens bothering you?

A great herb to help with allergies is Quercetin.  It�s from vegetables and is bright yellow in color.  It comes in powder or pill form.  

Quercetin helps the mast cells in our body to not release histamine which is one of the main components of an allergic reaction.  By decreasing histamine in your body you will feel better, breathe better and not have such itchiness.  

Start with 500-1000mg of Quercetin daily.  You can always increase the dose if needed.  Ideally it�s good to start using it before your allergies get bad.  If you are having an allergic reaction right now it�s fine to start using it but it may take a couple of days to take effect.

Vitamin C and Bromelain are two other vitamins that help decrease histamine.  However not as effectively as Quercetin.  The herb Nettles has been used to help with allergies too but needs to be taken year round to have a full effect.

You should be able to find Quercetin and these other herbs at your local vitamin store.


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