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"Life is not merely to be alive;
but to be well." 

~ Marcus Martial ~




The selected Health Tip is summarized below.  An audio clip of the tip as presented by Dr. Leah on the Chat With Women radio show is available at the end of the tip.

 Sources of Calcium -- foods and supplements 

"Calcium is an important mineral to help strengthen our bones.  There are many good food sources of calcium, and we need not rely only on supplements for our calcium intake.

I have a lot of patients who can't have dairy or soy and also don't want to take a calcium supplement.  They get their calcium from good food choices.  For example, one cup of Spinach has 278 mg of calcium; one cup of Rhubarb has 348mg; and one cup of collard greens has 300mg of calcium. 

Sea vegetables are especially high in calcium.  One cup of hijiki has 610mg of Calcium and one cup of Wakame has 520 mg which is almost half of the recommended daily dose of calcium.  Sea vegetables are commonly used in sushi, salads and soups. 

Nuts also contain a high amount of calcium.  One cup of almonds has 300mg of calcium,  a cup of Brazil nuts has 260mg of calcium (and a lot of Selenium).  Hazelnuts have 282 mg of calcium per cup. 

In comparison, milk has 300mg of calcium and soy milk has 105mg of calcium per cup.

If a calcium supplement is needed, then I recommend 1000mg-1200mg daily taken along with 600-800mg of magnesium.  It is ideal to take calcium/magnesium supplements at night with dinner or before bed.  This dosing assures better absorption of the calcium by the gut."


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