"Osteoporosis literally means porous (porosis) bones (osteo). The density of the bones becomes less and less and therefore they break much easier.
A couple of supplements to consider taking to help strengthen your bones are Vitamin D (surprise, surprise), and of course calcium and magnesium. I usually
recommend 2000-4000 IU of Vitamin D per day and 1200-1500mg of calcium. I also recommend 500-800mg of magnesium. It's best to take the
calcium and magnesium
at night before bed because it helps to relax your muscles. Also, if you take thyroid in the morning, you want to take calcium and magnesium at a different time of
day. Thyroid hormone is bound by calcium and magnesium and therefore makes the thyroid not as effective when they are taken together.
Getting a bone density scan will help you determine if you have any issues with your bone density. If you are on hormone replacement
therapy make sure you are taking natural progesterone. Natural progesterone will help enhance the density of your bones. I prescribe
natural hormones for this and many other menopausal related problems."